Friday, November 9, 2012

The Big Question!!

My big question is why can't people get along and treat eachother right? Why do we have to judge people and make them feel crappy and insecure about themselves, instead of happy and make them love who they are and proud to be who they are?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sleepy Hallow & Vocabulary

I've heard stories about the Legend of the Sleepy Hallow, so I am excited to read it. I have a feeling im going to really like this book. The beginning is already really good, and is already pulling me into the story. I cant wait to keep reading! 
Vocabulary from the story that I did not understand:

  • anon
  • powwow
  • reverie
  • owing 
  • cognomen 
  • inveterate 
  • repose 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vocabulary #8

 flout: to openly disregard 
 caveat: a notice or warning
 blazon: to proclaim widely
 filch: to steal casually 
 fractious: bad tempered; easily irritated
 equitable: fair or impartial
 autonomy: self governing
 addendum: in addition
 amnesty: forgiveness for a pass offense
 axiomatic: self-evident; unquestionable
 extricate: free from constraint or difficulty
 soporific: medicine inducing sleep
 scathing: critical or scornful.
 unwieldy: diffucult to carry or move because of size.
 vapid: boring; not stimulating or challenging 
 prognosticate: foretell a future event
 sepulchral: gloomy or dismal
 salutary: positive effect; beneficial
 straitlaced: exaggeratedly proper
 scourge: a whipped used as punishment
 precept: A rule used to regulate.
 transient: impermanent 

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Walk by Myself

Taking this walk by myself was very difficult because i wasn't able to take my dog, who i always take with me. on my walk I walked all over Foxenwoods. Normally I have headphones in and i'm listening to music, but this assignment told us not to. It was very interesting. I enjoyed the walk, mainly because I enjoy walking, but I think i'm more at peace when I have my dog and my music. 
On my walk, many things were going through my mind. The main thing was on how i was going to write this. The other things I thought about was my boyfriend,  Josh. He's my happy thought. Watching the cars drive by and hearing the world was different for me because I normally have music. I most likely won't be going on those kind of walks again, I like my routine and they way I do it. 

The Kite Runner

1.The story took place in the beggining in Afghanistan. Amir, the main character, is a boy who grows up with a Hazaran boy, who is also his servant, and they become best friends, but Amir doesnt want to admit to other people that they are friends. Amir would always pick on Hassan, the Hazaran boy, because he was illiterate, but Hassan didnt care. All the boys in the town would go once a year to a part of the neighborhood and have these kite fights, and Hassan, was the best kite runner in the whole city. When Amir one the contest Hassan ran after  the kite and found it, running into Aseff, a horrible bully. Hassan wouldnt give him the kite and was raped. Amir was watching from a distance and didnt do anything, or tell anyone because he was too scared. Amir framed Hassan for stealing his birthday money, and Hassan and his father quit and moved out. After years of not seeing eachother, Amir moved to America, while Hassan stayed in Afghanistan. Amir went back to Afghanistan to see his fathers old friend,who was dying and told Amir that Hassan was actually his half brother, and that his father was to ashamed to say so. Hassan and his wife were shot and killed and left their son an orphan. Amir was to get Hassan's son out of the orphanage and taken to a safer place. After Amirs struggle to get to Hassans son, he brought him back to America with his wife and they adopted him.
2. Amir was never one to take chances. Now he has no choice but to go get his nephew out of a horrible place and to get forgiveness from his dead half-brother.
3. The authors tone is more of a saddening and depressed kinda feeling in the beginning, but more towards the end, it becomes more inspirational.

Vocab #7

1)ad infinitum-endless, without limit
Space is ad infintium.
2)apportion-to distribute proportionaly
The apportion of the cookies is unfair.
3)bona fide-made, done, presented, true
I have bona fide my homework this evening.
4)buoyant-tending to float
The boat is bouyant to the water.
5)clique-a small exclusive group of people
My clique only consists of my good friends.
6)concede-to acknowledge as true
I concede that their will be a zombie apocalypse on December 26, 2012. Beware!!!!!!
7)congenial-agreeable, suitable, pleasing in nature or character
Are you congenial to the fact that there will be a zombie apocalypse?
8)lofty-extended high in the air
I hope to be in a plane because it is very important to be lofty during the zombie apocalypse.
9)migration-the process or act of migrating
The migration of the zombies will sweep across the US on December 26, 2012.
10)perceive-to recognize, envision, or understand
I percieve that i will not survive the zombie apocalypse.
11)perverse-intentionally determined
I will be preverse to survive as long as I can from being bit or torn to pieces by a zombie.
12)prelude-to go forward in an act of action
I dont want to prelude a hoard of zombies... because they will eat me.
13)rancid-having an unpleasant smell or taste.
The zombies have rancid breath.
14)rustic-unsophisticated, rude, and artless
The zombie I will meet will most likely be very rustic due to their soulless lives.
15)sever-to seperate from the whole
I predict that the zombies will sever many of our body parts.
16)sordid-dirty, filthy, and meanly selfish
Zombies will be sordid because they are walkers that dont take baths.
17)untenable-incapable of being defended.
I hope to not be untenable if their is a herd of zombies coming towards me.
18)versatile-having or capable of many uses
When the zombie appocalipse happens you will need to be versatile with many differnt weapons.
19)vindicate-to upload or justify by argument.
If anyone reading this wants to vinicate my zombie apocalypse prediction I dont want to hear it.
20)wane-a gradual decrease or decline in strength
Hopefully zombies will be wane because they will have decayed underground.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Midterm Preparation

To study for my midterm, i'm going to need flash cards. Lots and lots of flashcards. I'm going to need to go back on all the vocabulary words i have written and examine other classmates blogs to compare the definitions to make sure mine sound about the same. Patricia Tuttle and I will be studying them and helping each other out to memorize and really get to know these words. i figured if i study for at least an hour and a half a day that should be enough time to get to know these words. Spend one day each on each set of vocabulary words and for Thursday study the remaining ones. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

9-6 notes

I think the color is in the way we see the notebook. Some people are color blind and they see things differently than we do.
It's the way we feel the paper, not how it really is. It feels smooth to us  because the particiles are so small compared to the ones on our fingers that it seems smooth and not rugged.
Displacement happens when you take a person out of their natural habitat and put them somewhere they dont belong.

AHA moment(:

My AHA moment was when Dr. Preston was talking about the shampoo and how we are all slaves to it. when he was saying that ' If you dont wash your hair, no one will love you'. Its weird how the can make you think that about yourself. That if your hair isnt washed with soap no one will love you. That you have to have pretty hair, or you will be alone. I first thought no... thats not true.. but thinking about it now it kinda is true. everyone does it because were scared that the person who thought of this is right and that if they dont listen to them they will die alone.
That is my AHA moment(:

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vocabulary 9-5

encomium  a formal expression of high praise: An encomium by thePresident greeted the returning hero. 

 coherent  logically connected; consistent: a coherent argument. 
 belabor  to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedlyor more than is necessary. He kept belaboring the point longafter we had agreed. 
 eschew to abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid: to eschew evil. 
 acquisitive tending or seeking to acquire  and own, often greedily; eager toget wealth, possessions, etc.: our acquisitive impulses; acquisitivesocieties. 
 emulate  to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal orsurpass: to emulate one's father as a concert violinist. 
 arrogate to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume orappropriate to oneself without right: to arrogate the right tomake decisions. 
 banal  devoid of freshness or originality; hackneyed; trite: a banal and sophomoric  treatment of courage on the frontier. 
 excoriation to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally: He wasexcoriated for his mistakes. 
 congeal  to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state,as by cooling or freezing: The fat congealed on the top of thesoup. 
 carping characterized by fussy or petulant faultfinding; querulous:carping criticism. 
 substantiate  to establish by proof or competent evidence: to substantiatea charge. 
 temporize to be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting. 
 largesse generous bestowal of gifts. 
 tenable capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as againstattack or dispute: a tenable theory. 
 insatiable not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased: insatiablehunger for knowledge. 
 reconnaissance  to inspect observe, or survey (the enemy, the enemy'sstrength or position, a region, etc.) in order to gaininformation for military purposes. 
 germane closely  or significantly related; relevant; pertinent: Pleasekeep your statements germane to the issue. 
 ramify  to divide or spread out into branches or branchlike parts; extend into subdivisions.
 intransigent refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising; inflexible.
 taciturn inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversation.
 invidious calculated to create ill will or resentment or give offense; hateful: invidious remarks.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

extra credit video... in the process...

this is just a testing video of our extra credit.. we found it to be very funny and thought you all would enjoy it. tomorrow we will post the actual video when we are done(: have a good laugh(:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Vocabulary Definitions

intercede: to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty ortrouble, as by pleading or petition
 hackneyed: made commonplace or trit
 approbation: approval; commendation 
 innuendo: an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of adisparaging or a derogatory nature
 coalition: a combination or alliance,especially a temporary onebetween persons, factions, states, etc. 
 elicit: to draw or bring out or forth; educe;evoke
 hiatus: a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series,action, etc. 
 assuage: to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate:
 decadence: the act or process of falling into an inferior condition orstate 
 expostulate :to reason  earnestly with someone against something that personintends to do or has done; remonstrate: 
 simulate: to create a simulation likeness, or model of (a situation,system, or the like)
 jaded: dulled or satiated by overindulgence 
 umbrage: offense; annoyance; displeasure: 
 prerogative: an exclusive right,  etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like
 lurid: gruesome, horrible; revolting: 
 transcend:to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed:
 provincial:belonging or peculiar to some particular province
 petulant: moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially oversome trifling annoyance.
 unctuous:characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor,especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave,or smug.
 meritorious: deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy: